I don't care if the hanging ghoul has an afro or some other relatively black dominate feature. It still doesn't necessarily make it racist. I think painting the ghoul white was more than enough to appease the people that were wrongly offended by it.
As for the thread title - Well, I kinda like it, It's definitely an attention grabber. Yeah it overgeneralizes things but until more black people start criticizing the organizations representing them, us white folk just have to assume that they agree with em. We folks of non-color are always stepping up and defending ourselves every time someone does or says something racist yet when someone like the NAACP cries racism over something stupid like the color of a Halloween decoration there's hardly no black people stepping up and saying, "it's just a fucking Halloween decoration!"
Heck if this Halloween decoration was the most racist thing in the country right now, I think we're doing pretty damn good... Too bad there's no REAL racism for the NAACP the focus on... /sarcasm.
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