10-27-2007, 12:23 PM
#230 (permalink)
Originally Posted by host
sprocket....the above opinion you posted....is an excellent example of why....even though Ron Paul uniquely....among any US politicians says....on national TV...exactly the same thing I have posted on these threads....relentlessly and tirelessly:
<h3>.....I could not support a Ron Paul candidacy for US president....not in a million years....because I think that Paul and his supporters haven't a clue as to what is at stake today in America.....and they want to "deregulate" the remnants of control of the elite by the much larger majority of middle class to poor....by deregulating the restraints put on the practices of the elite.
The restraints that the elite have not already paid for lobbyists and "studies" and PR campaigns....and political contributions to repeal or to roll bacK,,,,
....And....they don't seem to recognize that it is the elite who paid the money to convince Paul's supporters to think what they think....and to believe what the wealthy elite spend the most to convince them of.....that politics is not about the forced...under the guise of the political process and the rule of law.....re-distribution of wealth and power....when the reality is....that the forced consolidation of wealth and power has been nearly ceded exclusively to the elite....and if you still think for yourself....it should be fucking obvious to you....but they have paid huge sums to convince you that they aren't using politics to force wealth and power from you to them...and THAT YOU SHOULDN'T WANT TO DO THAT EITHER: </h3>
<h3>So, sprocket....you posted your opinion...and it does not contain any sign of recognition that the regulatory process was a reaction, to events like those described in the following quote boxes....because our great-grandfathers wanted to help us to avoid having to go through the consequences that they had to bear...in the aftermath of abuses that took place in the absence of oversight and regulation:</h3>
<h2>Ironic....dontcha think...that you and Ron Paul "worship" at the altar of the intent of the "founding fathers"...ten generations past</h2>....even in your rush to roll back or eliminate entirely the intent of your near contemporary elders...just three generations after they took what they learned when, "mistakes were made"....mistakes which wiped out fortunes built over many years....in just a few months or in a year...or two....or mistakes which fouled the air, the water, contaminated the environment with tetra-ethyl lead....in motor fuels for 60 years.....and other abuses wide in scope...too numerous to describe here?
Why... I can't... even... begin to read... your post... because of these ellipsis... everywhere... 