Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
Maybe I'm missing something here, but how would "The sun revolves around the earth" be counter-intuitive? Given the fact that the sun appears to revolve around the earth, it's counter-intuitive to believe that it's the earth which moves (After all, we don't notice the fact that the earth is actualy moving through space at several thousand kilometers per hour) and the sun is stationary. Hence why it was 'common sense' that was geocentric theory was true and why Galileo was a nutjob 
So one can simply look at the sun without considering the stars? It's beyond stupid. Weak ass assumption ≠ common sense. As soon as one takes into consideration the movement of the stars in the sky, it becomes clear.
Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
Common sense is, in essence, neither. It's an intellectual cop-out, almost like giving the argument "It's so because it is". There's no discussion to be had.
Common sense is about recognizing systems in nature and then basing projections on the understanding of those systems.
Originally Posted by Ustwo
He uses a mac to feel even more superior to the common man while overpaying for a machine that has less available software.
It's why I use it...
Originally Posted by Ustwo
He even makes a bad joke about PC's being Virus machines in The Ancestors Tale and its a shame that such a man can't figure out how to avoid spyware when he goes to zooporn sites 
Does zooporn mean what I think it means? If so, then that's a big LOL for a world renowned biologist. Also, it's nice not worrying about spyware. What does defrag mean? I have no clue.
Originally Posted by Ustwo
I enjoy reading Dawkins to a point, but he is the epitome an ivory tower intellectual, and therefore he can't use the masses PC. My guess is he wears crocks too.
The ivory tower would have a huge Apple insignia?