eh, isn't mma more natural?
seems like it to me. I dunno.
Some guys tried to get me in to that but I decided I like having all my teeth.
me and crom still have to go rounds though, just cuz he wants me so bad /wink
as far as "sportsmanship" when fighting in a street fight.
chances are, if someone is trying to fight me in the street they are going against my wishes to leave me alone. I'm very good about giving people at least 3 opportunities to back down from a fight, tell them its not a good idea, that it's not worth it.
I get so uncontrollably amped with adrenaline when violence breaks out that i'm involved in. I shake like a lunatic, I dunno what it is, it's scary though. But if I felt like the guy was spitting threats that were towards my wellbeing, my life, or a loved one, I spare nothing, I'll take out your eyes, I'll bite, ill break, ill suffocate. I will do what it takes to make the other person give up any hope at all of ever winning against me to the point of making an example.
I've only had to do this once and it was the worst feeling ever. I don't mind fighting for fun, I used to box around with an old friend of mine, we were kids and we'd stuff toilet paper in our mouths for padding and beat each other until we saw red. I remember once taking it to the "MMA" level though because he gave me like these big arsed heavy boxing gloves, and he got these small tight ones. My punches were like those bullets in super mario brothers, slowoooowwww
meanwhile he's just zipping around and beating me silly, i got tired of that so i jumped to tackle him and hold him down and start pummeling him, but he ducked, and I went head1st in to the corner of an 8-track player that was about waist high to most people.
went right behind my upper lip and in to the gums. My teeth were in tact though

man, i bled like a stuck pig.
then I got up and took my gloves off and went after my buddy, who took his gloves off and we went to punch eachother at the same time and broke our pinky fingers.
it was such a ridiculous scenario....
I still owe him a bloody one, lol