id ahve to agree with high thief. for those that have trained boxing before, it is one of the hardest types of training ive ever done (and ive done a lot of training in my days). most people wont go 2 rounds without doubling over, let alone one round with a half decent fighter.
but like highthief said, mma fighters would out do boxers because of their attacking options. without a doubt, if mma wasnt also a ground sport, i think karate and boxing fighters would out do the mma fighters.
but thos are the rules of the game.. i have no probs watching either/or.
strange.. one of my best friends comes from ipswich and hes very anti-violence, so it must be the 'fine english gentlemen' mentality in you that makes u tick that way.
however.. street fights have no rules. as long as the guy isnt going to die, id make sure he's finished off. its a survival of the fittest and its in humans innate nature to reduce that danger. if it means making sure someone is knocked be it
An injustice anywhere, is an injustice everywhere
I always sign my facebook comments with ()()===========(}. Does that make me gay?
- Filthy