Originally Posted by Menoman
Since I have to spell every little thing out for you people.
Drink as much water as you can = Drink as much water as you can, without killing yourself?
Obviously I meant drink it until you were a bloated fuck having no fun at the party and have a possibility of dying from it 
Since you have no idea what you're talking about, and I can say that unequivocally as a person who does in this case, I'll spell it out for
you, smart-mouth:
People die from drinking too much water. The two main reasons people die from taking ecstasy are far too little water intake, or (and this is the really important bit) from drinking lethal amounts of it.
Even if people became a "bloated fuck", as you put it, do you think they'd even notice while high on ecstasy? Apparently not- and I'm sure everyone who's ever died from it would love to testify to that effect, if they weren't dead. A woman died from drinking too much water when participating in a radio contest, and she was perfectly lucid, not high on drugs. That's just an example. It's hard to ingest a toxic amount of water, yes, but not so hard that it can't be done while fully conscious and sober, let alone on drugs.
I'm not saying i'm better or smarter than anyone just because I say I know what I'm talking about. You come in with an air of experienced-drug-user superiority in your tone, scoffing at and disrespectfully dismissing the people who don't agree with your "ecstasy is really safe" rhetoric, displaying nothing but ignorance in the real issue at hand (the whole "it can kill you" thing) and protecting the honor of your precious drug....
If you want to defend the drug, then defend the drug. Thus far, you've just been defending your habitual use of it. Do it or don't do it, just don't be telling people it's "by far one of the safest drugs that someone can get into".