Originally Posted by analog
And there's never an "excuse" needed to talk about drugs, it's always a good idea.
I may not agree with your risk/reward analysis but I definitely agree with that.
Originally Posted by Crompsin
A person heavily under the influence of any mind-altering substance cannot give consent to sexual activities under the law.
Turns out? Rape charges are probably a bad thing.
Make sure everybody in the party wants to party.
If your girlfriend is going to accuse you of rape you've got bigger problems, I think.
Sex or No Sex?
High levels of serotonin in the brain are generally not conducive to sexual activity. This is why (or partially why) SSRI antidepressants cause sexual dysfunction. So pure MDMA is usually not considered a sexual drug; it tends to reduce libido and make orgasm nearly impossible. If you've been on SSRI you pretty much know what this is like except it's a lot more pronounced. However, this isn't complete without a statement about the purity of E pills. Contrary to popular belief pills are practically never cut with heroin or cocaine (too expensive and they don't lend themselves to oral pill form anyway), but they ARE frequently cut with other stimulants such as caffeine and methamphetamine. Meth is THE sex drug, so it's definitely likely that people taking street E are going to get some of that and want some of the other stuff. I think that's the biggest explanation for varied reactions in this department. Pure MDMA is very mellow. I would almost say nobody's hopping on top of anybody with that. Maybe strip down and give them a massage but that's about it.