Originally Posted by Mojo_PeiPei
Mike Tyson in the cage.
I just think that if you put Mike Tyson, the primed Mike Tyson (his current state with his knee would result in a quick defeat), in the cage without boxing gloves he would murder. I'm basing this off of my limited knowledge of fighters which again is mostly limited to the UFC, but if Tyson fought Heavy Weight I think his odds would increase almost.
The heavy weights by and large seem to be, at least in my opinion, some of the least technical fighters in the sport. The only advantage could be guys who have very solid ground skills, but at the same time Tyson, or any good boxer I think have different agility and quicker feet. Also Tyson would be equally as strong as anybody in the UFC or Pride (if not stronger), so it would come down to technical situations.
But in the very least since the only advantage is probably going to be on the ground, you still have to approach Mike, and he would end up punching a hole through you and eating your soul. Plus in UFC his elbow throws would be legal, kicks would be almost useless against him on account of his speed, plus not calling any MMA fighter a daisy or anything, but I think it is fairly safe to assume that the Knock out power of MIke Tyson, or most elite upper weight division boxers is far superior to anything a MMA fighter is throwing.
I do however think Floyd Mayweather would get worked.
Sorry about my fantasy post here. I've just always been enthralled by Tyson, I often ask if he ever killed anybody when he was in prison, because I'm sure dudes were trying to fuck with him.
i think tyson, although he hit like a truck in his prime, would face the same result any boxer would if they jumped right into an octagon.
1) boxer flows some flurry's.
2)mma guy sweeps or grapples to a takedown.
3)mma guy out wrestles and either submits or ground n' pounds boxer.
4) mma guy wins.
sure, tyson's allowed to throw bows, but he's never trained with elbows. he's also got little to no "takedown defense" training. you have to know how and have practiced to sprawl just right when you're getting a bum's rush to the ground. survive his first and only flurry, and you got a sure-win as mma guy.