Here is an analysis by the Heritage Foundation:
The Census report brings good news: Poverty declined and income increased in 2006. Median family income increased to its highest level except for the peak of the previous business cycle in 1999 and 2000. The number of households reporting income of less than $10,000 declined, while the number of households reporting more than $100,000 increased. Families are becoming richer in today's economy.
The attempt by the Census Bureau to adjust for the different household sizes in the various quintiles is an important step in producing better analysis. The top quintile contains 20 percent of the nation's households but has approximately a quarter of the population. As a result, the top quintile has a larger share of income because it has more people and workers. The Census's use of a new measure to account for this ("equivalence-adjusted income") paints a more accurate picture of income inequality.
The Census Bureau should include post-tax and transfer calculations in its next report on income and poverty. By better capturing disposable income, these factors would reveal an even lower level of income inequality in the United States. The Census report refutes the notion that "the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer." Instead, all quintiles are growing wealthier with more money income.
I guess the last sentence is a key point. Is the basis of the data you posted above based on gross or net after taxes income. Since your point is relative to tax policy, that is an important question.