My apologies Redlemon-Since you posted first, you get the next round anyhow, though! Didn't mean to steal the thunder.
There were some excellent, excellent ones this round. Here's my breakdown:
Redlemon: 5 for first post, 2 for what I believe is the best picture (your third entry)
Mondak: 4 for second post, 1 for first variation beyond simple modeling
Jennaboo4u: 3 for third post, 1 for quantity and some of the best pictures of the round
Squeeeb: 1 for additional post
Sticky: 1 for additional post
Current Standings:
Sticky: 52
Mondak: 53
Redlemon 50
squeeeb: 35
bparker805: 28
cybermike: 25
jennaboo4u: 28
FuriousAvatar: 14
Munku: 12
The Faba: 4
JStrider: 2
Hanxster: 1