Originally Posted by analog
Not everyone experiences paranoia while high on marijuana. It's the shark attack syndrome- its frequency of occurrence is not at all proportionate to the amount of negative attention it garners when it does happen, and subsequent lore that it creates. All drugs effect all people differently, and you may well experience deep paranoia while under the influence of marijuana, but that's hardly the "norm".
The use of ecstasy actually alters the neurochemical balance in your brain. Its amphetamine properties also make your heart race. These are not healthy things for your body, and should especially not be seen as "better".
I'm not trying to say that everyone who takes ecstasy will die. I'm saying the risk factors are far too high for it to be wise to do anything but caution against its use. No, it's not "fine" to use. It's certainly not "better" or less harmful than marijuana, physiologically speaking.
Obviously not every person will get paranoid, but its certainly not a small portion. Damn near everyone who smokes will experience it a few times, it actually is the 'norm' just varying degree's of it will occur, the 'bad trips' are what you hear about, the rest, isn't story-worthy for you to hear it, they are much less intense but for a novice even a light trip is not fun. As well as nobody wants to brag about a 'little paranoia', coz then they'd be a pussy.
xtc doesn't cause that sort of reaction even close to the amount pot will. The only thing you have to worry about with X is have 4-5 bottles of water for yourself and drink as much of it as you can, thats it for the majority of people. Even that is being much safer than necessary, but its better to err on the side of safety aye.
As I understood it this guy did this before so I assumed he already had knowledge of that.
ETC is not nearly as 'dangerous' as you are making it out to be, it's by far one of the safest drugs that someone can get into.