yaya people die on X, people die from eatting hotdogs too. Probably more people from hotdogs than X in a year I'm gonna assume.
X is much better than pot to start with IMO, both of them can cause some creepiness b/c you aren't feeling how you know you are supposed to feel, but pot also has that added little paranoia side effect which will make it even worse. If you know what to expect (and there are tons of things to expect, ALL of which every person won't know, so what you feel may not be exactly the same she feels) and are a stable mental person. X is a much better path to take, also imo its extremely less habit forming.
The only drug I'd say don't ever start with is shrooms. terrible terrible to start with for obvious reasons.
Originally Posted by tinydancer
The first time experience alone should be mind blowing. And I use the phrase "should be" with great caution. Good luck on your decision.
haha mindblowing? You haven't experienced the world mindblowing like fucking on X