Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
Apparently, that depends on whether you are a Madisonian or a Hamiltonian.
It also depends on whether he accepts the Supreme Court interpretation of the general welfare clause or continues to insist on his own interpretation.
Originally Posted by JohnBua
Which one thinks it unconstitutional for the government to steal my money to pay for illegal aliens' health care?
Not really relevant since the SCHIP program excludes illegals and has a 5 year waiting period for legal immigrants.
In any case, the
Democrats will introduce a new bill tomorrow with minor technical adjustments to mollify the Republican concerns (even though those concerns were false) and
Bush has indicated a willingness to expand coverage to 300% of the poverty level, with some conditions.
There is still the issue of the funding level, but that too will be resolved because all sides recognize the past success and current value of the program in meeting the health insurance needs of working Americans whose employers do not offer coverage.