Originally Posted by Leto
Precisely. Yet, when the end of the "and-so-ons" are reached, regardless of how many, what is there? What precipitated the first iteration? going with the assumption that there was a beginning.
There is no necessary limit. We as humans live finite existences so we feel the need to compare everything to that. There's really no evidence to suggest there was a beginning.
Let me put it in a theistic framework: when you die, I suspect you expect to go to heaven. If you're a member of the Abrahamic religions, Judaism/Christianity/Islam, you'll expect to be there for
eternity. So you must grasp the concept as it's a part of your faith and religion. You never cease to be, and continue on forever; to infinity. Well, imagine the inverse of that. Imagine that there is not only an eternity in front of you, but also behind you. Going back continues on forever, without end.