That was somewhat facetious directed at the guy who was encouraging me to explore other options and forget about it. I'm not worried about happiness, it comes and goes regardless of what you do. I daresay I'm a fairly boring person so that's not a problem.
If I could I'd like to redirect this thread back to the original intent, which was advice on moving into the professional arena. That's my goal, is to find a professional field to move into. I've done IT and field biology, some microbiology, and for all my initial disdain of white-collar work when I was younger I'm beginning to see the error of my ways, because these fields are pretty limited in terms of long-term career options.
Law I'm not interested in personally but it is something I've been involved in peripherally all my life, and I know I could do it in a pinch.
I haven't heard a great deal about CPA or actuarial work, so that's my question:
What's it like, do you recommend it, how did you get into it?