Well, I'd say grab yourself a good partitioner (Partition Magic has always worked good for me from a Windows env. moving forward), and then when you have your partitions set up the way you want them, install Linux. Depending on which flavor you're installing, it'll for the most part set up a boot loader and a separate partition for your MBR.
If you're really crazy, and don't feel like using any partitioning software, most installs will ask if you want to set up partitions, although I've had hit and miss luck with Linux installs resizing my disks for me......
Is this kinda what you're looking for?
PS: ALWAYS install the Linux after Windows. Nothing'll futz a good bootloader like a fresh Windows install....
There is no such thing as "Bug Free" software....there is only software with an acceptable (and documented) level of failure.
Hack the Planet!!!!