I appreciate your advice.
I've just spent the past two years howling at the moon and writing poetry and screaming my soul out into the wilds and staring into the void that lies in every man's soul. I used to think I had an idea of where my life was going, but shit happened. I made zero progress, learned to deal with the emptiness, and now I want to stop fucking around and move into a career. I've explored a lot of options and this is the one that I keep coming back to, so I'm interested in hearing from people who know anything about moving into this field. When I was little I knew a CPA and she was undoubtedly one of the most clever people I've known, and thoroughly enjoyed her job. I didn't just pick this out of a hat, man.
I couldn't care less what other people thought about or if they respected me. I want something that's challenging, interesting and has job security. As for my intelligence, a curse, it's a blessing - it's all I have. What the hell do you suggest I do with it?
So uh it's this or the marines. haha ~