When I used to play TFC, i played as the sniper almost exclusively because I was damn good at it.
Anyway, one time I played on a server and was in a fairly decent hiding spot on a roof when someone from my team decided to stand right in front of me hoping to net kills. Originally, I decided that I wouldn't mind giving up my spot if he was actually good. Unfortunately, his ping was obscenely high and he could barely even hit the ground.
Now, what's important about the server was that friendly fire was not enabled, thus, whenever you shot a friendly, they would only fly a short a distance.
I was getting pretty irritated by this useless guy in front of me, so I charged up my rifle (why a sniper rifle needs to be charged is beyond me) and I shot him from behind. Since we were on a roof, this ended up in him being shot across the map and him landing on the floor. The best part was that since friendly fire was disabled, it counted as a suicide on his part.
Right after he respawns, he comes back to my hiding place, stands right in front of me and continually shoots me. Since my back is against a wall, i'm not going anywhere. I politely tell him to stop, and then proceed to shoot him across the map again. This resulted in yet another suicide and him leaving the server.
Good times.
"Your name's Geek? Do you know the origin of the term? A geek is someone who bites the heads off chickens at a circus. I would never let you suck my dick with a name like Geek"
--Kevin Smith
This part just makes my posts easier to find