Originally Posted by Strange Famous
Spefically, it is abhorent for me to strike an opponent when they are down.
This is an utterly cowardly act in my opinion.
For this reason I basically hold MMA in contempt. I am sure that a number of the martial arts particular people use require a great deal of skill, but I have absolutely no respect for any sport where it is legal to strike a fallen opponent.
Boxing is a sport: a noble art of two men placing their strength and skill and courage against each other. MMA is simply violence and brutality.... likening it to the Roman Gladiatorial times is a very accurate metaphor in my opinion.
Yes, violence is an element of boxing, but MMA is violence virtually unrestrained by rules, respect for your opponent, or any concept of conducting oneself as a gentleman.
I dont care how skilled these MMA fighters are, or how powerful... I will always say that any man who strikes his opponent while they are down is a coward through and through.
i think you're missing 3 important points when you get hung up on attacking someone when they're down.
1) fighting on the ground is a major % of many martial art styles. some brazilian jujitsu fighters are MORE dangerous on their back than their feet. wrestling, whether greco-roman or eastern in origin is all based on takedowns and controlling someone once there. To judge them based on boxing rules as if they are cheating is misplaced. it's not cowardly if its an available avenue in the rules and expected by anyone jumping in the ring going in.
2) roman gladiator's had all sorts of pointy things they'd stick each other with. you're comparing something ancient that you'd have untrained slaves participate in to something that is modern that people dedicate their lives training for.
3) you're really offering up a self-defeating arguement when you, as a boxing advocate, bring up respect for your opponent or conducting yourself as a gentleman. the boxers of today are the biggest babies i've seen of any athletes ever. they can't even get through a weigh-in without a publicity inspired brawl. with mma on the other hand, you'll see the fighters embrace after their match and give props on the microphone to their opponent 9 outta 10 times.... they are the picture of class and respect for their sport.