Originally Posted by Strange Famous
MMA is violence virtually unrestrained by rules, respect for your opponent, or any concept of conducting oneself as a gentleman.
You sir, obviously have things backwards. MMA requires a hell of a lot more skill than boxing due to even the simple fact that you need more than one skill set to survive.
I rarely see boxers congratulate the others in their win or even attempt to be humble when they lose.
To say that MMA has no rules is pretty fucking lame. For instance, if memory serves me correctly, a person cannot strike a downed opponent if they are on one knee. They also cannot knee to the back of the head. I'm sure Crompsin or others can expand or correct me on those rules.
Boxing is dead .. and quite frankly boring. It was ruined by bad promoters and big purses and by the boxers themselves who have no class and no real talent. Boxing may be a skill, but in the world of MMA .. it's one simple skill that won't get you very far.