quick note on uncertainty principle, taken straight from the most accurate source on the web
wiki wiki
the important thing is that the uncertainty principle isn't a product of imperfect measuring devices, but as we currently understand it, is an intrinsic limitation on the ability to make certain measurements of very small, very fast systems. we may, of course, reformulate physics and find that,
voila!, no more uncertainty...but for now, it's what it is.
of course, this could get around to the question of whether science can ever 'know' anything, or whether or not it only describes things so that we can reproducibly predict outcomes with statistically reasonable bounds. if you accept the 2nd statement (i will say now that i do), then i have to ask myself what knowledge, in that context, means, and whether or not other types of knowledge are available. i think they are.
as they say, god is in the details.