Once again regular old people think they know better than economists. The porponents of supply-side economics, for the most part, are NOT economists. Supply-side economics just makes rich people richer.
Think about it -- you have $20 million dollars. You get $1 million back in taxes. Are you going to spend that money, putting it back into the economy? No! You're going to save it, or invest it, or whatever. You aren't going to buy goods or services. That's why supply-side economics doesn't work.
Don't get it confused with trickle-down theory, though. Sometimes, a well-timed tax cut THAT DOES NOT FAVOR THE RICH but instead the middle and lower classes, can get things back in line.
Nobel Prize winner James Tobin: "Supply-side claims have been proven false by experience... [The] idea that tax cuts would actually increase revenues turned out to deserve the ridicule with which sober economists had greeted it in 1981."
Moreover, studies have shown that there is a negative correlation between low taxes and economic prosperity; that is, higher taxes actually pull the economy up, on average.