Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
Wait... So what about the people chiming in on this thread who don't have any experience with the subject or any kind of present relationship? They get a free pass, right? This has to be, like, the third or fourth time I've asked this question and yet it gets ignored every single time. Oh well... Like I said, people are apt to ignore what they can't answer.
Nobody else has said, "I've never done it, but it ruins relationships." In short, nobody's laid down a blanket statement that has been a) wrong, and b) ignorant on this thread except you.
If you'd said, "Geez, I can't imagine ever being okay with that in a relationship I was in," that would have been one thing. But you're trying to TELL people what they should and shouldn't do. And if you've never been there---look, follow your own advice absolutely. You know what works for you. But don't tell me what I should and shouldn't do (on the basis of statistics you're so far refusing to cough up, I might add).
And I keep saying: you're young, and every relationship you've had has failed. I have faith that you'll have one that works for the long haul at some point, but right now, you have no idea how grown-up relationships actually work over years and years. But you're trying to talk like you do. And you DON'T.
You have something personal about this issue. You have something personal about non-monogamous sex. Did your daddy cheat on your mommy? It's SOMETHING, I can SMELL it.
EDIT: I'm also NOT saying that threesomes AREN'T dangerous to relationships. There are lots of wrong reasons to do them, and lots of wrong ways to do them. What I object to is the blanket "they ruin relationships: have one and you're doomed" message you're selling here. (The "doomed" was another thread, but I'm hearing it between your lines here too.)