heh........ you might be surprised about my default attitudes. Thing is, though, I recognize what my initial reactions usually are and I work very hard to question them and test them, over and over again. It's not easy, but I think it's essential to being honest. Trusting your own instincts on political matters is very dangerous, because political attitudes tend to cluster in certain ways (e.g., one's views on unions will usually predict one's views on abortion), and it's highly unlikely that any one cluster will be right every time. So it's important to keep testing, reading, questioning. That's why I find partisan claptrap very distressing. Both parties are inhabited by human beings, and human beings are flawed. They're flawed individually and they're flawed in groups.
The great thing about this country is that we can withstand the flaws and do just fine. Separation of powers is a gift from the framers that I'm grateful for every day.