I agree with will.
The founding fathers didn't think it necessary for black folk or women to be eligible to vote. When, exactly, do we get to stop referring to their opinions as if they're relevant in the context of now? I would imagine, and perhaps this is an ironic thing to say given the preceding sentence, that the founding fathers would like it if we could figure shit the fuck out without constantly having to defer to them, since, you know, they're dead.
From what i seem to remember, and i'm not a historian so this might not be true, a lot of the founders were lawyers- people familiar with the drafting of legal documents. I'm not a lawyer, but it seems to me that when it comes to legal documents, the intent of the signers in reference to a signed document is irrelevant where it diverges from the contents of the signed document. There is no, "Wait, shit, i meant this to mean something other than what it says."