Host, there was lots of corruption under Clinton, too. In fact, at the advanced age of 48, I can't think of a single presidency in my adult lifetime that didn't have a scandal of some sort. I can think of plenty of reasons for that, but it afflicted both parties. I understand you're a partisan democrat, but you're also an intelligent person, and if you can't see that power creates opportunities for corruption no matter who is in power, well, maybe you have a blind spot.
Ubertuber, I"m not pro-Bush or pro- any particular politician. I have certain standards of decency that I want to see upheld. I don't need a savior or a superman/woman - all I want is a decent honest person. Even if I disagree on this issue or that, I'm happy to have that decency and honesty. I live in NYC, and the last politician I felt that way about was Daniel Patrick Moynihan. Since then I have found every single person whose name was on the ballot to be either indecent or dishonest, or both, or incompentent (which is a form of indecency, putting yourself forward for a job you're not capable of performing). I'm really tired of having to hold my nose every time I vote.