Originally Posted by loquitur
Host, is there any illegality by Democrats that you won't defend on grounds that the Republicans do worse? don't you see that this sort of argumentation is the reason people hate Congress generally, no matter which party is in charge? And that fundraising chicanery breeds cynicism everywhere, no matter who does it and no matter for what reason?
One other thing: if you think Democrats are immune to quid pro quo corruption, I have a nice bridge to sell you.
I'm not defending Republicans here, but the partisan slant of this post is just way over the top, Host. I see no philosophical or moral principle here other than "democrats good, republicans bad - and if we can't have that, then democrats bad, republicans worse."
Can't we aspire to something better in this country?
The post...and it's premise.....the one that influenced me to do this thread was "over the top".....and....since you're a member of the bar....presumably influenced by the facts, much more than by the heart.... I think that your criticism of me...in this set of circumstances is uncalled for.
I'm still hoping that you are able to discern right from wrong....but I'm less certain of it since reading your post, above.
I think you are telling me that your under reaction to a huge, coordinated wave of official corruption....and the attempt to deny, it cover it up, and then to wave it off as "business as usual"....by the people who committed the crimes....acrual crimes of conspiracy....not simply by association....and pretended to lead our government....both before and after....is on a par with what the press has reported has happened in the case of Hsu and democrats.
My reaction to what Abramoff has done...the lives he helped to ruin in the Mariannas....and the politicians who helped him accomplish it....if it was the only instance, was grave enough....but when you assemble all the parts of the scandals which he is at the center of.....and that is still to be done....my reaction is a whisper....compared to the scope of the damage and the reaction of indifference....by the people in government criminally involved, and more importantly....by the reaction of folks like you....which seem to me to be dismissive.
"Abramoff" is a massive fissure that puts character, morals, ethics, and the commitment to serve....of those who campaigned on a platform that they were superior to their opponents in all of those areas....on display.
You won't even look....and to say that I am somehow extreme....or flawed...or a divider....to document and react to "Abramoff"...on a political forum....given what has been reported...and his own admissions of guilt....is to deny what he has done.
I know....you don't see it....and that is the main point of this thread....too many people don't see it....see too little of it....or want to meld it with something like....Norman Tsu's political donations and his efforts to closely associate with democrats...... You do that to attempt to take the stink off or the Abramoff scandals...to disassociate from them......