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Old 10-20-2007, 08:32 PM   #202 (permalink)
The sky calls to us ...
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I maintain my stance that unless the Libertarians nominate Daniel Imperato, I will leave the "president" field on my ballot blank next year. Democrats and republicans are played out, we all know about them. Ron Paul seems to be an ideal candidate on the surface, but when it comes to the issues, I can't support him, either.

He opposes amnesty and birthright citizenship, and supports deportation. He supports forced deportation of immigrants and considers the estimate of 120,000 resulting deaths acceptable. Combined with the old stuff in the Ron Paul Survival Report (I don't buy the argument that he had nothing to do with content that went out with his signature printed on it) he comes across as xenophobic and racist.

He sponsored a bill to put the burden of proof on the FDA to disprove claims that supplements and foods can cure, treat, or prevent disease before requiring those claims to be removed unless a disclaimer can make the label non-misleading. Essentially, this would reverse the process of drug approval and send us back to the days of quack medicine when the government had to race against companies to get harmful products off the shelves and crap like radium water and colloidal metals were sold by quacks as cure-alls.

He sponsored a bill to abolish the federal regulation that requires banks and creditors to provide regular statements top customers.

He sponsored a bill to abolish the Federal Reserve Act, and one to abolish the law that established US currency as legal tender and abolished foreign gold and silver coins as legal tender.

He sponsored a bill to exempt all non-government-related health plan providers from antitrust laws while negotiating contracts with health care providers.

Overall, things like making abortion a state decision and abolishing federal funding of public schools seem to me like a great way to get the government out of our lives and let religious morality take over.

I'm also not thrilled with the fact that he's been to a few scientology meetings, but I think that's more about his rich supporters in the CoS wanting the IRS abolished so they don't have to deal with the whole tax exempt battle.
Originally Posted by willravel
We may be getting a teensy bit off subject. Still, if revolution comes I'm game. Libertarianism is interesting on paper. I'd be curious to see how it played out in reality.
No worse than any other hardline ideology plays out: fascisim, communism, they all end up in the same place, but in the case of libertarianism, it will be the private sector running things instead of a totalitarian government. Neither the government nor individuals in positions of non-governmental power can be trusted to take care of the interests of others.
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