Originally Posted by Sion
this is true. and I didnt claim any wisdom, just a lot hard-earned experience. and from that experience, I've learned to doubt and mistrust most people. and especially to mistrust large institutional groups of people (government, religion, political parties, etc.)
I've got plenty of cynicism, but I don't let it defeat me. That's hardly the issue, though.
Originally Posted by Sion
I think you'll find as you grow older, will, that most people only have their own interests at heart, usually not their best interests, but rather their wants and desires, however sordid they may be. and because of this, they often hurt others, as well as themselves, not only biting the hand that feeds them, but even that which is trying to help them. and it's because of this that I think penal rehabilitation is doomed to, at best, a very low rate of success.
So because you were born 17 years before me you know how I'll become when I'm older? That's pretty weak. I've heard the same thing about my optimism since I was a boy. Not only do I show no signs of changing, but my optimism has improved as I've been able to develop more solutions to problems. As someone who works for a non-profit that aids the homeless and less fortunate, working with people who's age dwarfs your own, I can tell you that just because some people become bitter and give up hardly means I will. Not to compare myself to great people, but what would you have said to the Rev. Dr. King? He was about 25 when he helped to organize the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Too bad he was wasting his time.
Time to get back on to the subject at hand.