Originally Posted by dc_dux
ace....you demonstrated once again that you dont know how SCHIPs works. Perhaps it is too complicated for you, as you have said repeatedly.
If an employer in NJ provides health coverage, an employee cannot opt out for the NJFamilyCare (SCHIP in NJ.) The program may, on a waiver request, subsidize that employee's premium payments in the employer's plan, if qualified.
Oh Mr. Master of the S-CHIP program...you demonstrated once again that you are naive in terms of how the real world works. Perhaps you are incapable of understanding that A) like I have repeated several times that this bill (and others like it) encourage ordinarily honest people to become "cheats" and B) the system gives people an incentive to move from the private sector to the public sector.
Oh, Mr. Master of the S-CHIP program do you honestly believe there are no people in NJ or any other state taking advantage of S-CHIP when they could have coverage for their children in the private sector?
Oh, Mr. Master of the S-CHIP program do you honestly believe there are no people in NJ or any other state who have decided to work for an employer not offering health care coverage over an employer who does because S-CHIP is available?
Oh, Mr. Master of the S-CHIP program do you honestly believe there are no people in NJ or any other state who have decided against, let's say marriage with their significant other, because they might loose coverage under the S-CHIP program?
This is getting boring. I bet you think unemployment compensation doesn't affect how soon a person gets new employment. Perhaps you and a few of your buddies in Washington should go to NJ and talk to people to get an understanding of how a person can actually make a choice between the NJFamilyCare and private coverage.
You really should get out more. Spend some time away from pseudo-intellectuals and the ivory towers where you guys drink those chocolate chip double frappuchino lattes with light whip cream. Live a little. Take some risks. Have some fun.