Originally Posted by willravel
I went to college. This is all common knowledge.
hey, I went to college too, but somehow I missed learning all the "common knowledge" that you seem to think is so prevalent. I guess I should have taken "Wildly Useless Generalizations 101" as one of my electives.
Originally Posted by willravel
I'm not a doctor of psychology
and yet you feel qualified to spout off about the potential efficacity of a psychologically based rehabilitation system.
ok, enough sarcasm. the point you seem to be missing here will, is that, much like an alcoholic or drug addict, a convict must WANT to change for any system of rehabilitation to have any real and lasting effect. I don't think you are going to find too many that truly want to change their behavior.
now, I totally agree with your premise that our penal system is in dire need of overhaul. and a focus on rehabilitation should be an integral part of that overhaul. however, I think you're painting too rosy a picture of how well rehabilitation would work. my personal opinion is that I'd consider it an incredible feat if you were able to successfully rehabilitate 30% of all violent inmates. and in the case of sexually violent offenders, anything over 10% would be amazing.
oh, and on a side note, if you honestly think Hillary and the Democrats are going to save the day on this (or any other) issue, then you are as naive as a newborn babe. the Democrats are as corrupt and self-serving as the Republicans. they're politicians, after all. there isn't even one of them on the national level that I'd trust as far as I can throw him or her.