You must have missed this:
"ace....Bush is on record, yesterday, lying about the income provisions of the bil that was actually passed....and, as you said....he himself controls the approval proxess for states asking for higher income limits wothout federal reimbursment penalties....if Bush or his HEW department reject an appeal for higher income eligibility, and a state approves aid to wealthier families, Bush has the power to limit federal he deliberately distorted the reason for his veto and the terms of the actual bill passed by congress."
...and the quotes in the NY Times articke from two republican senators, and the other info in the article that indicates that Bush's veto has nothing to do with the reason he claimed....he's jsut playing politics.....he would have spun it the opposite way if it served his purpose. He never vetoed any bill in six years....he set a record in his dearth of vetoes. Now, he distorts the facts to veto this bill. The bill authorized his execiutive agency to cut funding to any state that exceeds HEW guidelines for income caps....he told the world that families with $83,000 income would be eligible....he made it seem as if that was a new provision of the SCHIP bill, and if he signed it, families with $83.000 income woild newly become eligible for assistance, and that would be that........ isn't true......