Well the obvious answer is that there really is no difference between the two.
If you want to speak specifics, the Dems are too blame.
My biggest problem in politics wouldn't be that they are opposed to me (btw I am not towing a republican line)... my problem is as inept as repubes are, the dems won't stand against them.
If they won the elections by referendum on their opposition to the war, why don't they legitimately stand up to it?
The obvious answer is politics. It is no secret the tilted left here stands against the war... if the dems won the election based on that referendum, then fucking stand against it. Don't fund it. Do you part, vote your beliefs. If you don't want the troops, push legislation that will get them out... obviously the President will veto, or it might get filibustered.
But if you are claiming to stand for a stance then vote for it, I would respect them far far more. I can't respect the dems because they play into the shitty repube-lican politics. There should be a limit on congressional seating so we don't have life time politicians.
They say they do support the troops, they want them home; fair enough I won't argue that they don't, but to not vote legislation that does is really false.
To win a war you must serve no master but your ambition.