I moved out at 18 right after I graduated. I moved in with my best friend at the time who graduated with me. Then about a month ago I move out of her apartment and moved in with my boyfriend, which is also in a different state.
I had one "major" relationship when I was younger. I was about 16 and that guy was my first and all that. We were together untill I was almost 18. My grandparents found out we had sex and nothing was ever the same. They now treat me like I'm a whore and that I have sex with anything that has a dick and will stand still long enough.
Originally Posted by Craven Morehead
Do the two of you share the same bed for sleeping? Or are you in separate rooms? If its the same bed and the two of you haven't bumped in the night, I'd take things into my hands so to speak and find out just what in the hell is up, or not. Rub his cock while you kiss him. Keep rubbing it until he can't hold back. If that doesn't work you should be in separate beds.
Yes...We share the same bed. Sometime things heat up at night...but it never leads anywhere. LOL! Its really rather pathetic.