Originally Posted by Ourcrazymodern?
Given the OP decided to give us a truth:
If it was a rape (as described) a woman can rape a man.
I do not believe this - I also do not believe a woman cannot make a man hard whenever she pleases.
Equal culpability?
Keep your cocks covered, boys!
I have woken up before, to find that, while I was honestly dead asleep, my wife gave me an erection, gotten on top of me, lowered herself onto me, and we were having sex. Now, obviously her idea was for me to eventually wake up like this (and it was quite nice!!), what if I hadn't wanted it? Or she was just a female friend asleep in the next room who snuck into my bed to do this? Wouldn't that be rape?
While I admit there have to be some pretty extenuating circumstances, a female raping a male via intercourse is possible.
But I don't think it happened in the case mentioned by the OP. The man did not say no, or object at all, so he wasn't raped. The girl initiated everything, and the guy did not actively try to coerce her, so she wasn't raped.