I made this decision long before Bush was elected. It came to me originally when I was in middleschool and I realized that only people outside of schools were allowed to vote on school funding. My citing presidential decisions was and is only to show that the argument that children should vote because they may vote irresponsibly is a double standard. I would want them to have the opportunity to vote responsibly instead of taking their opportunity because they may not.
So you are saying they SHOULD be tried as adults?
Seriously the radical lefts desire on this is simple. They want more easy to influence voters who their unrealistic policies sound good to, and no group is easier to influence in this regard than children who have absolutely no idea who the economy works.
Wrap it as you like Will, but the goal is a more leftest government through the use of children.
Its not voter rights is exploitation.
Edit:And I'll add letting children decide school funding?