Originally Posted by Lak
3) Spawning Abusers
Here is what I find the most interesting point, does viewing CP make a CP 'enthusiast' more likely to go out and try it on for themselves. I find it highly unlikely. Equating a pedophile with a child molester is equivalent to equating an everyday healthy male with a rapist. To simple be a pedophile hurts no-one.
I think this is a very bad comparison. Pedophilia is an officially designated mental disorder, not a 'normal' sexual urge.
If I am a regular guy with a sexual attraction to women, viewing large amounts of (legal) pornography does not increase my desire to go out and abuse or rape women.
I again I think this is a bad/lopsided comparison. No, pornography may not make a man go out and rape women. Not sure why you even take it that way. But I think it's pretty safe to say that viewing pornography can impart a person with the desire to have sex. Combine that with a compulsive disorder like pedophilia (more closely linked to a fetish than a 'normal' sexual urge) and I think that viewing child pornography could very easily instigate the pursuit of sex with children. After all, most victims of child sexual abuse are seduced, not forced.
I think you are confusing the concept of rape with child molestation. The crimes are very often called rape because the children are not legally considered to be old enough to consent, not because they are all forced.