Analog, it's still his right to try and be funny (even tho I feel he failed at it too).
As far as the discussion goes:
I'm playing WoW about 3 times a week, for 3h (raiding at fixed hours). I can honestly say, the fun of the game is starting to wane... Can't stop playing quite just yet tho, because of the social factor, lots of friends play it too, and when you get together, it's a vital piece of discussion (sad, I know).
For the OP: Here's how I think it'll go ... You'll still keep thinking back to the good old days when it was fun and you spent nights just playing probably.
However, even if you do start again, you'll end up trying it for a week or 2 and giving back up. The so-called ever-new and never-ending possibilities of this game are far from that.
You've seen most of it before, and the content you haven't seen yet, takes too much time and effort for any productive member of a social society to see (unless he's lucky and gets to tag along with a group that basically carry him through).
I've had the same thing happen with the Tie Fighter games (LucasArts ruled at that time
) with UFO:Enemy Unknown, with EarthSiege and the like, ...
The point is, you will get over it, and once it's done, the "magic" is gone.
Then years later, you reinstall, try it again, and still quit the game 1h later.
Now all you have to wonder is: will I be able to resist in about a year's time when an expansion is released? Will I pass up on the new content and new stuff to try?