well if it was me and i needed to suvie longer then the beastys i think i would procure a few things first food and water
can food only non parishable and lat a long time
M.R.E (meals ready to eat)
bottled water ( camel back to put itin and have a back pack )
next wepons
M14A1 with scope and lots of ammo (long range)
M16 (semi auto only) becuase semi auto makes sure evry round counts and u dont waste as much ammo jams are rear in semi autos as well and u can buy them without ne special permit
MP5 (full auto ) hose em down at meduim to short ranges
12 gauge shot gun (pump action ) this bad boy for ne thing 8 ft or closer makes big holes for fun
375. revolver (it gos ban every time no jams here )
50. GI a bigger version of the 45 does lots o damgae and isnt hard to get
Machete / Bat for reallt close couters houses shops ECT.
lots of meduim grain 308. ammo for the M14 for faster shots
lots and lost of ball ammof for the M16
lots of 9 mm ammo and clips for the Mp5
lots of flachette and buck shot and a few houndered slugs for the shotty
4 reloads for the 357.
25 or so mags for the 50 GI
and sharpenr fr the machete
safe places to go
being from colorado i find it easy to go to chyenne mountian for saftey 3 ft thick blast doors between me and the baddys
but f u cant go to that place i sugest a storge company lots of space fenced in and u can reinforce it with out much problems
plan z
travelto the mountain and go into hiding monitoring the radio and waitng for it to end may i sugest alaska or far north canada not lots of ppl and to cold for most baddys to suvive if they get close
plan b desrted island
if they can swim your fucked but lets hope sharks don mind dead things to eat
alot of islands by japan but highl populated and couldbe trouble
for americans i sugest carabian
and there u have it myway to urvive and protect myself from the envading zombie hordes
Originally Posted by kirk44
Nothing evacuates the cranial space of a zombie like the .454 Casall loaded with 300 grain hollow points.
hel i think ill kick it upa notch maybe a little S&W 500 ith 45 grainers that makes really big holes that garntee the MF ropn like a sck of sement