"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
- Ben Franklin
I strongly believe that this statement is very true. This country was based on the ideal that freedom is paramount and our right as Americans should be upheld at all costs. The Patriot Act is bad, but it is still fairly minor. The government loves to push little bits of rights trampling legislation through at convenient times, and this bill is a prime example. The problem is, if we let enough of these little "bits" through they will become more bold and unafraid to pass laws that could REALLY be bad.
Originally posted by Kadath
Lebell, I hate to say it, but that just isn't true. If you really think your guns are keeping the government from trampling your rights, you need to wake up. The government doesn't enforce policy with armed soldiers, nor silence dissenters with firing squads. Frankly, most of the time it tramples your rights you don't even know about it.
I hate to bring up history but Lebell is 100% correct, and its even scarier that early 1938 Nazi gun registration laws when put side by side our own are almost exact. The Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (
www.jpfo.org) have an entire book on the comparisons called
Gateway to Tyranny.
As Jefferson said "Guns are the teeth of Liberty." Here is an interesting fact, did you know that in Swizterland every male over the age of 18 is in the militia and they have fully-automatic assault rifles in their homes? Well guess what, not a single Swiss Jew was taken when Hitler was making his rounds. Guns sure had nothing to do with that right?