I just installed an Intel DP35DP motherboard into my buddy's computer. The only thing that's new is the motherboard and CPU; everything else is the same. When I started it up I got a blue screen of death with this message: 0x0000007b error code, followed by a reboot. I've checked the Intel website for all the help and that doesn't seem to work. I installed the RAID Driver and have messed around with the drive configuration in the BIOS to no avail. The help page I'm looking at is here:
http://www.intel.com/support/chipset.../cs-015988.htm I'm most intrigued by this message:
NOTE: If you are using a SATA hard drive, the best choice is to set your BIOS to RAID mode and install the operating system using the F6 installation procedure; RAID mode allows your system to be "RAID Ready" and also enables AHCI. This mode provides the greatest overall flexibility and upgradeability.
He has a SATA hard drive with WinXP Home already on it and we've changed the drive configuration in the BIOS to try to get it to work but it still hasn't. He is not running a RAID system and only has the one hard drive. My question is does he have to wipe his hard drive clean and reinstall windows or is there another way around this? Everytime it can get past the WinXP loading screen but as soon as it tries to load the OS I get that BSOD with that error. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.