Originally Posted by dc_dux
Sorry, but thats just not true. The vast majority of studies that recognize the anthroprogenic contributions to the greenhouse gases and global warming, particularly the consensus findings of hundreds of scientists that contributed to the IPCC reports, are peer reviewed.
Why is is that most global warming skeptic findings, including Dr. Gray's, are not peer reviewed or published in credible scientific journals?
Why do you think it is that the science academies of the largest industrial nations dont accept your premise that "for every scientist that claims humans are destroying the climate, another will claim bullshit"? Do you think these national acadamies of science have a pre-determined, political agenda?
Why do you think that happened?
I would attribute it, in large part, to governmental action like the Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act, Wilderness Protection Act.
Your editing of my post, which parts you chose to address, is part and parcel of the entire argument-everyone, from laypeople to Gore, read what they chose to read into the available data. For all that's been done, more has not been and some things done didn't make a difference at all.
You disagree with the statement, yet I linked NASA's page to counter the notion that this is strictly a human problem.
Our 'contribution' to global warming is, indeed, debated within the scientific community, specifically, how much we are responsible for and what can be done to change it. And for everything said that could be done, there are others that will theorize that this is cyclical and not up to human intervention.
Gore to debate climatologists
Al Gore says in the video that we're witnessing an unprecedented level of atmospheric carbon dioxide that is driving global temperatures higher. But expert climatologists .- including Syun-ichi Akasofu, Tim Ball, Ian Clark, Piers Corbyn, Patrick Michaels, Nir Shaviv and Frederick Singer - say there is no evidence carbon dioxide drives global temperature change."
"We'll see what the public thinks after both sides make their case on a specific and narrow point," said Milloy. "Global warming alarmists didn't fare so well last time that happened," he added.
Scientists reverse their postion on manmade global warming