Being a tolerant individual doesn't mean tolerating intolerance.
I love this argument. 'In the name of tolerance I denounce your intolerance!' Or, 'tolerance = intolerance of intolerance'. I think we're all intolerant. Tolerance is an absolute to which many may aspire to but none may reach. As soon as you identify an intolerant person you yourself become intolerant.
I can accept that I'm intolerant. I'm intolerant of people who do things or say things that are contrary to, or violate, my moral/ethical code. Very few people don't violate my moral/ethical code at some point in their lives. And I don't like it. I don't want to tolerate it. If I did tolerate it, on some level I'd be accepting it.
I'm intolerant of people who think they're tolerant, but really they're the grossest examples of intolerance.