It's not that easy, but it is that simple.
Whoever is the current leader of this country drives the current of the country, if, by nothing else, his power of the pen. Influence in Washington is everything, as is perception. Confidence(or lack thereof) in a perceived presidential stance, regardless of what that stance is in reality, drives the stock market, the legislation process and the judicial climate. And it drives the voters one way or another, furthering the influences in Washington.
As for the hostages, many reports state that it was Reagan's clandestine 'arms for hostages' negotiations that got them home. Carter wouldn't make deals, thinking 'talking' would do it. He by no means got them home. They were released the day of Reagan's inauguration, probably as promised due to those 'discussions'.
Reagan was so teflon that, while the Iran-Contra hearings could have caused him to pull a Nixon, he was largely forgiven because of the end results.(Many were calling for his head, impeachment, etc.)
How'd we get to this from Gore getting the Nobel?? Guess that's how important we find it....