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Old 10-13-2007, 11:31 AM   #23 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Daoust
Well, willravel and others, all your arguments are essentially the same...

"I hate her, she should die. She's an idiot, she's blind. She's wrong."

What you all really are hating is what you perceive as her intolerance toward anyone who's not like her, which includes most of you. You don't like being the victim of intolerance, or ignorance, or whatever you want to call it. That's fair. I don't like it either when I am the butt of intolerant peoples rants.

I just wonder about the way that people are responding to Coulter. It just seems that many are being intolerant of her views, and justifying it by saying she was intolerant first. I just don't like that kind of arguing. It seems weak.

I think you may be putting opinions into other peoples minds (vs. words in mouth), My perception is not that people actually care one way or another if she is intolerant towards them per se....more that she spews such intolerance at all while she is in a position to influence so many.

But I could be wrong....thats just how I see it.
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha
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