Originally posted by Washington
Okay, I have a question..
I am 19 and have never had a credit card or any credit.
I dont have bad credit but dont have good credit either.
I applied for a bunch of credit cards and was denied by all on the basis of having no credit.
then i applied for a student credit card and was denied because I had so many recent inquiries for credit cards.
How long do I have to wait untill i should reapply for a student card?
PS....Im trying to get an American Express Blue for Students card
Unfortunately Allen, there is no clear cut answer. It depends on who you are working though. A pretty generic time frame would be three to six months.
I see you have delved into the credit paradox. "You need credit to get credit." Your best bet is to try and save up a couple hundred bucks and apply for a secured credit card. Check with a local instituion to see if the offer them. Most instituions will put your money in a certificate that you cannot withdraw from (even with a penalty) until you have established your credit, some have the ability to freeze the funds in a savings account. Be careful with your new credit card, though. Try and keep the balance under 60% of the limit.
If you need anything else, just ask.
Thanks for posting!