you think private industry would regulate their environmental practices better than the EPA?
I kinda like the results of the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, Solid Waste Disposal Act.
or the securities industry regulate itself better than the SEC?
I'm not a big fan of insider trading.
or the food industry regulate itself better than the Dept of Ag?
I like the know my beef has been inspected for mad cow
I kinda like the US Patent Office and the knowledge that intellectual property is protected....And the Consumer Product Safety Commission and the knowledge that dangerous toys will be recalled.
None of these agencies are perfect, but do you really believe industry can be trusted to regulate itself?
They (climatologists) are a bunch of special interest groups with an agenda, NOT a bunch of experts who know any better than I do.
Which special interests groups are represented on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change?
The IPCC assessments are based on peer-reviewed scientific and technical literature. The IPCC reports are written by teams of authors from all over the world who are recognized experts in their field. They represent relevant disciplines as well as differing scientific perspectives. This global coverage of expertise, the interdisciplinary nature of the IPCC team, and the transparency of the process, constitute the Panel's strongest assets.
"The IPCC's doors are open to every expert who is qualified and willing to make a contribution as author or reviewer" says Renate Christ. "This voluntary network of thousands of scientists and experts is what makes the IPCC truly unique."
The number of experts involved in the IPCC process has expanded considerably since the Panel was created in 1988. The procedures governing the writing and approval process have also become increasingly rigorous and transparent. This has been the key to enabling the IPCC to connect the very different cultures and requirements of the scientific and political worlds.