host, just a little threadjack, but....
do you ever post anything short? Is it necessary to quote yourself?
We get it, you vote Democrat.
/end threadjack
World Wildlife Fund has done more to save the planet in the last 25 years than Gore, but I don't see it anywhere on that list.
Carter was and still is, a hippie in a suit. That's not to say he doesn't or hasn't done good things, but he had no business being president and won for ONE reason-Nixon's legacy.
For years, the Nobel committees have waivered between political choices and nonpolitical humanitarian ones. There's no one person or group who wields the power of a Martin Luther King, Jr. or the idealism of a Nelson Mandela or Lech Walesa. Quite frankly, a 'Peace Prize' is a misnomer any more and very much so in this case.
Who gets it next year? Toyota and Chevrolet for their hybrids?
I don't knock Gore for his work-if someone believes strongly in something, they should forge ahead-I just don't feel that his accomplishments are worthy of something that portends to hold a great deal of "honor", nor do they have anything to do with peace.