Originally Posted by Sion
I call bullshit on this assertion. if, as a 14 year old, a child doesn't know right from wrong...then he/she either has a severe mental/emotional deficiency or his/her parents have done a fantastically bad job.
I have a 13 year old daughter. she KNOWS right from wrong.
my thought on the matter is this: let the punishement fit the crime. commit an adult crime...get punished as an adult. simple.
Then they should be allowed to vote.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
Most people who vote have no clue about alot of things.
It's a good thing we don't have an IQ test before people vote. This supports the idea that kids should be able to vote.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
This is exactly what's wrong with the leftist socialist viewpoint. The constant 'we get our rights and priviledges from the government' crap and 'only government can tell us what's right and what's wrong'....at least when a socialist democrat is in power. 180 degrees from what America was supposed to be about.
What is it with you and socialism? I'm telling people that the government is wrong and that children should have the right to vote and somehow it's me allowing the government to dictate rights to me. Think about that 180 degree interpretation.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
Is the city of san jose government, the US government?
It is a part of the US government, for all intents and purposes. It's not independent from the US government and it's not a member of any other government.
US government is a general classification. If you want to get more specific, using descriptive terms like federal or state, or even country or city can be used. My dog and I are both mammals. He's a canine and I'm homo sapiens, but we're still both mammals.