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Old 10-11-2007, 07:16 PM   #135 (permalink)
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Location: Australia
To test this prediction, we conducted a study that requested 20 female subjects
next chart is 44 female subjects

Infact the only charts in there I can find that have over 50 female participants are the graph charts - the one on page 225 is interesting but without knowing what the 18 variables used to determine 'good financial prospects' not very helpful.

My point being that I could quite easily go out and find over 50 people in a country who would tell you some truly stupid things are true (I was going to make a list but it got too long).


To support my theory earlier that all men care about is having a hot and easy girl I have :

Page 213 Table 2

Page 210 Figure 1

Physical appearance should be less central to a woman's mate preferences than to a man't mate preferences.
(Page 209)

That specifically makes me laugh due to the amount of posts in the sexuality section claimng all women want is a guy that fits the physical model of desirability.

Prediction 1: Men will express greater desire for, or interest in short term mates than will women.
(Page 210)

Prediction8: Because the successful enactment of a short term sexual strategy for men requires minimizing commitment and investment, men will find undesirable in potential short-term mates any cues that signal that the woman wants to extract a commitment.
(Page 213)

Prediction 9: Because the most important class of cues that are linked with fertility and reproductive value are physical (Buss, 1987,1989b; Symons, 1979; Williams, 1975) men will place greater importance on physical attractiveness in both short-term and long-term mating contexts.
(Page 213)

Prediction 10: Men will find physically unattractive women to be undesirable in both short- and long-term mating contexts.
(Page 214)

All from the scientific site I linked to earlier.

All the above is from

From,2007.pdf I have :

studies on long-term mate preferences conducted over several decades have shown that men value physical attractiveness more than women do
(Page 529)

physical attractiveness is prioritized by men considering long-term mates
(Page 530)

For instance, Buss (1988) found that women tend to attract mates by enhancing their physical appearance. Indeed, the multi-billion-dollar cosmetics industry and the rapidly expanding cosmetic-surgery market reflect modern women’s awareness of the benefits of aesthetically controlling the aging process and thus, the underlying adaptive value (and priority) that men place on physical attractiveness.
(Page 533)

I will admit I am experiencing a growing urge to make a website devoted to the fact that as long as you're pretty you can get whatever guy you want, you don't have to worry about being intelligent, funny, successful or independent. I wonder if I did would some other web forum be in a heated debate about guys caring more about what's in a girls head rather then attached to her chest?


All these theories (including the Ladder theory) assume that people are consciously or subconciously choosing a partner according to some vast strategy, isn't it at all possible that we're choosing a partner who meets our needs as an individual? That we want someone that we believe matches us in social status and physical appearance.
"I want to be remembered as the girl who always smiles even when her heart is broken... and the one that could brighten up your day even if she couldnt brighten her own"

"Her emotions were clear waters. You could see the scarring and pockmarks at the bottom of the pool, but it was just a part of her landscape – the consequences of others’ actions in which she claimed no part."
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